Within you there is a stillness and sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself ~ Hermann Hesse


 Learning to listen deeply to your inner guidance and intuition can be a challenging task in the midst of the noise, demands and stress that make up life today. When you need a better plan to cope with the incessant issues that take up all the air in the room or you want time to step back and reassess direction, progress and strategies or your tired soul simply seeks peace, a retreat is the perfect venue to deliver!


What is a retreat?

‘Retreat’, means ‘to withdraw, to drawback.’ Thus, a retreat is a choice to step away from the normal routines, responsibilities and pressures of everyday life to allow the participant to be in a quiet place that opens up a profound opportunity for deep listening to self.


A Retreat offers healing for Healers, Helping Professionals and Leaders

 The need for this ‘retreat’ or withdrawal is particularly applicable to helping professionals or leaders, to re-energise and take personal time from their responsibilities of providing guidance for others. It is a chance for them to escape from the chronic busyness of their lives and to reconnect to their personal direction.


Why Self-Awareness Matters to Leaders

Focusing on others rather than oneself is an occupational hazard of being a leader or a helping professional. It can become a comfortable and familiar habit that constricts self-awareness and emotional well-being. A retreat offers the option for greater self-awareness that can:

-> rekindle the magic and serendipity that sparks innovation

->make adjustments in relationships, lifework and direction

->bring to light what right action should be taken

->illuminate new possibilities

->learn from other inspirational and motivational leaders and healers in the retreat community

->break the cycle of stagnation and open up the space for different courses of action and new visionary goals

->have the time to evaluate life purpose as well as short term and life ;

->discover what works and what doesn’t; facing anything you have been ignoring;

->re-balance issues within relationships;

->provide time to decompress to simply listen to your inner wisdom and needs;

->help discern and confront real fears while discarding unfounded worries;

->uncover and embrace the most fulfilled, loving and joyful life possible


Tools of Retreat That Pull Back the Curtain on Your Inner Life

Prayer and Meditation

Solitude and Stillness

Time in Nature


Breathwork and Pranayamic Breathing exercises

Rest and Relaxation


Benefits of Taking the Steps to Attend A Retreat

A retreat offers a change of pace and a temporary escape from life’s duties and issues.

  • It provides an opportunity for re-evaluation of beliefs and values, giving an arm’s length view of life that can realign priorities and re-balance personal and professional relationships and pursuits that includes the ability to receive as well as give.
  • The slower rhythms of silence and reflection help refresh and relax the mind, body and spirit.
  • In the abundance of reflective time provided, retreats can result in transformational positive changes that bring meaningful direction in life.
  • Group retreat venues allow for connection with other like-miinded professionals that can stimulate creativity, motivation and grow an inspirational community that stays in touch as a resource long after the retreat is over.


When is it time for introspection and healing?

An annual time-out is not a luxury but a necessity to keep you refreshed and clear-minded. Retreats are a profound gift for leaders and helping professionals that help them stay inwardly connected, consciously aware and engaged in the deeper meaning of their lives. They generate the innovation, inspiration, direction and sacred focus that improves and enhances the life-quality of the people who depend on their support and guidance.  Engaging the ‘me time’ of a retreat is a profound invitation to pause and look behind the busyness to discover healing and a new focus!

Respond to every call that excites your spirit ~ Rumi

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