When you raise your vibration, all that is not in alignment will naturally leave your life ~ anonymous
Energy is the source and the building block of everything in your life, including you! At your core, you are simply a collection of vibrating frequencies. Your thoughts (and choices) are forms of this energy that are reflected in your life as outcomes and experiences.
When you struggle, find that things are overwhelming to deal with or you feel like life is just ‘hard’, your life has a negative quality to it and will resonate at a low frequency. Conversely, when your life seems in flow, empowered and joy-filled and you are able to manifest your desires with relative ease, your frequency is operating at a high vibration.
Try this ->
Take a moment to consider some of the most memorable positive experiences in your life. If you think about the top moment, how did it make you feel?
Now think of a time that was most memorable in a negative sense. How did that make you feel?
When you experience high vibrational energy in your life, you feel light, empowered and have greater clarity, inner peace and loving joy.
Choose three items from the list above and commit to doing them each day for one week.
Share your experience by responding to the comments. I would love to hear how it goes!
When you know how to make high vibration choices you respond rather than react to life. Acting consciously can become the habit that raises your energy, defines your personal power and ultimately delivers the highest level of joy.
Be well, live lightly!