Our real gift to life involves an awakening of our inner purpose, for that is the star of our true destiny. ~ Michael Meade
As we awaken to each day in these troubled times, life can feel like it is chaotic and terrifying. Wishing for a past that had structure, certainty, direction and purpose seems like a distant, hopeless whim sometimes.
This short essay by Michael Meade, a renowned storyteller, author and scholar of anthropology and psychology, offers a hopeful new perspective on the dark times we find ourselves navigating through. His article takes a look at how the essential purpose of our lives can be revealed when we reconnect at the deepest level of soul.
One of the most powerful and targeted tools for this profound journey within is Breathwork. It is a journey to love and clarity like no other.
Enjoy the read and feel free to leave any comments or questions on your thoughts.
Sending love and a deep conviction we are reconnecting to our truest selves,