The best way to predict the future is to create it ~ Peter Drucker
Is it time to take stock of your life? Are you floating without direction – no steering, sail, navigation or map? Is your life a parade of distracting crises that leaves little room for forward action? Do you feel victimised by a sense of little control over your emotional, mental, spiritual or physical life situations?
Visioning and manifesting are empowering life skills that provide a map to your own deepest truth and essence. Developing them through setting a plan for the coming year can:
In creating a workable plan for the coming year, begin by setting aside a few hours for quiet contemplation. Settle in comfortably and take a few minutes to breathe fully to connect with all aspects of your being.
Now, journal your responses to the following steps:
Assess the Events of the Past Year – Take a moment to summarise what aspects of you grew as a result of your experiences – did you become more empowered? Compassionate? Connecting?
Define new Goals – holding the feeling from this past year, begin to look at what you desire for the year ahead. Take a moment to breathe deeply and feel the limitlessness of possibility to be present:
Build the Structure – This part of your creation takes time, contemplation, reflection, journaling and discussion to get very clear about what goals you are going to pursue:
Summarise Your Coming Year – Write a short paragraph on the general focus of the coming year and indicate how you intend to complete your stated objectives.
Know Your Self Worth –trust your value and accept you are worthy of receiving
Open to Abundance – there is more than enough of everything on this planet and you can tap into its flow. Release limiting beliefs
Stay Grateful for Good Fortune – journal to uncover gratitude for all that you already have. “What are you grateful for in your life?”
The moment you start acting like life is a blessing it starts feeling like one ~
Develop Systems to Support Your Goal – Set up a system to take care of the routines of your life, saves time and allows space for creativity and focusing on your stated goals.
Use Affirmations to clear what is stuck. Write…write…write!
Be realistic – make the goals tangible; organise them into small, medium and big goals. Scale your efforts based on what matters the most to you
Learn to trust the value of goal achievement. It takes willingness, action, gratitude and clarity to change thoughts into the physical, emotional, mental or spiritual reality of what you desire in life.