The minute you accept yourself, you become beautiful ~ Osho
Lately it seems that life has become an overwhelming obstacle course that, at the best of times, is challenging to navigate. When self-doubt and feelings of low self-esteem are stirred into the mix, it can make the journey so difficult that it seems impossible to move forward with any hope of successfully finding success, fulfillment and most of all, joy in your earth-bound existence.
The following article is a wonderful guideline for you to help identify your patterns of low self-esteem. It offers some suggestions for healing what binds you and keeps you from living your best life. Take a moment or two to read and see how many identifying factors you can check off as applicable to you.
One of the most effective and elegant ways to dig down to the core of low self-esteem and release it has been Breathwork. It is the Concorde jet ride to the destination of your own self-love and authenticity.
You are worthy.
Breathe and live your most genuine life !